These Ain’t Yer Mama’s Blogs

Happy Friday, everyone!  I’d like to give Apple and the iPad a shout out for helping me remember why I ever started this blog.  They were almost as motivational as Sarah Palin in front of a microphone.

In honor of me getting off my lazy mental-couch-potato butt (and with hopes that I will actually be more disciplined) I wanted to share five blogs I’ve come across that I lurve. I have a total fangirl-crush on these blogs – you won’t see “feminist” on the About page – but they’re the best type of third wave.  They’re what I’m beginning to call defacto feminists – they celebrate something unique, magically and sometimes catty about the woman experience.  And they define feminism and celebrate femininity in their own authentic voice.

I give you five My Gal Blogs of the week:

My Mom, The Style Icon Their style was born before we were, reads the tagline.

I love this blog for so many reason – the awesome, incredible style, the time-capsule magic, and the clear love that shines through each post.  It’s a heartwarming time sink, and it will force me to learn how to use my scanner.  Because my mom was a fricking fashionista.

Mrs. O Following the fashion of Mrs.O:

What and Whom she’s wearing.  I. LOVE. MICHELLE.  I would run off a cliff in flames if she told me to.  Happily, I can just read this blog and revel in her fabulosity on a daily basis.  The founder of the blog, Mary Tomer, also published a fantastic compilation book.  This site is absolutely addictive in their excellent coverage and generous pictures.  I really could look at pictures of Mrs. O all day long.

Ladies… One of the best sports blogs I’ve come across (I know, I’m not a sports buff but dear Goddess, HOW did I live before reading it?!)  I give you their About page:

Sport in America has been the province of men for generations.There’s no shortage of strong, capable women bucking that trend, however, so we’re out to conquer a side market: leering.

Yes, we’re playing the field (literally), and we don’t kiss nice. We are the Ladies…with one eye on the scoreboard, and the other on your sweet ass.


Geek Girls Guide I found them yesterday

during the iTampon debacle.  I particularly love their Geek Chic of the Week feature.

Sarah Haskins on CurrentTV In a world dominated by male humor, Sarah Haskins is a goddess of comedy.

She does a monthly feature called Target Women which never ever fails to leave me in tears and giggles.  She expertly skewers mass media for attempting to reduce us down to mindless, empty consumers.  Who love yogurt.

Let me know who else you read – what are the fresh faces of the va-jay-jay blogopshere?  I’ll include your suggestions next week – hit me up in the comments.  And have a rockin’ weekend!

  1. Formatting the pictures on this post was an infuriating process. So it looks all jacked up. Any advice on how to more successfully wrassle WP would be appreciated. grr. boo. hiss.

  2. Lady Bee

    Awww… On behalf of the other Ladies…, thanks for the shout-out!

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